Sunday, November 3, 2013

Theme Week: Candy Corn

Candy Corn has been one of Munchkin's favorites for years, so when I started seeing cute candy corn themed activities pop up on Pinterest, I knew we had to do a Candy Corn Theme Week!

I ended up selecting Royal Baloo's Candy Corn Math Pack to use for our math activities this week. There were a lot of options out there (many of which I will link to below), but this pack fit Munchkin's needs fairly well (we are working on addition and subtraction fluency as well as working with counting change) and best of all it was FREE!

We completed a number of the activities in this pack as-is including:

Candy Corn Addition Puzzle:

Candy Corn Estimation Activity:

The pack also included a Roll and Cover Sheet. This is a bit below Munchkin's level so we played with money instead. I give him a set of coins to count and then he covers the correct number. This has been a really wonderful way for us to re-use a lot of our favorite roll and cover sheets recently as well as an easy activity for me to make! 

Munchkin's favorite activity was "Candy Corn Store." This was originally a worksheet in the pack, but the layout confused me so I simply cut out the prices. I placed a real candy corn on each slip and let Munchkin "buy" each one by counting out the correct change.

Of course the best part of all of the activities was eating the candy corn at the end!

Science and Sensory Play
My favorite new science and sensory activity for this unit was Learn Play Imagine's Erupting Candy Corn Foam Dough. The dough is a mix of shaving cream, corn starch, and baking soda and is super fun to play with on it's own. It's a bit like cloud dough but the shaving cream makes it even more moldable. I will definitely be making it again.

Munchkin's favorite part, of course, was squirting on the vinegar to trigger "eruptions." This was the first time we had used a squirt bottle for this type of experiment but it will not be the last! It made the activity last a LOT longer since Munchkin could not simply dump out the vinegar in his over-eagerness. :-)

We also made Growing a Jeweled Rose's Candy Corn Volcano with some homemade playdough, but unfortunately those pictures were accidentally deleted. The activity was fun and the volcano was super-cute, but since I ended up having to mold most of the volcano myself, I felt like it was a bit of a waste of the playdough.

Other Candy Corn Pinterest Finds:
(also found on my October Pinterest Board)

Funky First Grade's Candy Corn Word Family Mobiles
Make Take Teach's Candy Corn Alphabet Matching
Blessed Beyond a Doubt's Candy Corn Math Ideas and Printables
Lory's Page's Candy Corn Fact Families
Kids Activities Blog's Candy Corn Activity Pages
A Night Owl's Round-Up of Candy Corn Treats
Learn Play Imagine's Candy Corn Quick Paints

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